Home Events Devotional – In Commemoration of The Centenary of The Ascension of Abdu’l Baha


Oct 21 2021


7:00 pm - 7:20 pm

Devotional – In Commemoration of The Centenary of The Ascension of Abdu’l Baha

Abdu’l Baha, He who is the “Mystery of God,” departed from this world 100 years ago. Our Universal House of Justice has asked that, within our communities, this be a year for profound reflection on the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the strength of the Covenant of which He was the Center.

Each devotional will include a newly translated prayer from the Master and a story about Abdu’l Baha as told by Baha’i’s in our community.

The Spiritual Assembly of Memphis will be presenting the book Eternal Beloved, a compilation of the 26 newly translated prayers of Abdu’l Baha, to each participant joining these devotionals.

Meeting Details




Marjie Baker